Policy 7120 – Procurement of Architects, Engineers and Land Surveyors
The School District may need to engage the services of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor when
capital improvement or other District needs arise. The District recognizes that hiring architects,
engineers, or land surveyors who have performed acceptable work for the District in the past
promotes continuity, efficiency, and quality. The District also recognizes that a construction
contractor retained by the District may wish to work with a particular architect, engineer, or land
surveyor with whom it has a solid working relationship. The District will observe the procedures as
outlined in Regulation 7120 when selecting architectural, engineering, or land surveying services.
Under this policy, the terms architect, land surveyor, and professional include, but are not limited to,
any individual, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity providing architectural, engineering, or
land surveying services.