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Policy 6122 – Social Studies Religious Influence Class

(Adopted – September 20, 2023)

The District may offer elective social studies courses exploring the historical influences of Hebrew Scripture, the Old Testament or the New Testament among other texts.

The purpose of a course under this policy is to:

  1. Teach students the biblical content, characters, poetry and narratives that are necessary to understand contemporary society, culture, art, music, mores, oratory and public policy; and
  2. Familiarize students with:
    • The contents of Hebrew Scripture, New Testament, or Old Testament.
    • The history of the Hebrew Scripture, New Testament, or Old Testament.
    • The literary style and structure of the Hebrew Scripture, New Testament and Old Testament.
    • The influence of the Hebrew Scripture, New Testament or Old Testament on law, history, government, literature, art, music, customs, mores, value and culture.

A course offered under this Policy will not endorse, favor, promote, disfavor, or show hostility toward any particular religion or religious faith or religious perspective. Students enrolling in such courses will not be required to use a specific translation of Hebrew Scriptures, New Testament or Old Testament. Rather, enrolling students may use as the basis textbook a different translation of any of the historical books that is different from the text chosen by the District.

In offering this course(s), the District will follow applicable law as well as all federal and state guidelines in maintaining religious neutrality and accommodating the diverse religious views, traditions and perspectives of students in the school.

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