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Policy 6160 – Gifted Education Program

(Adopted – October 17, 2018)

The Board of Education directs that curriculum be developed to meet the needs of students who have been identified as gifted by multi-criteria assessment developed by professional staff. This curriculum is to include strategies infused in all areas of regular education, K- 12, as well as specific curriculum designed to enrich the regular curriculum in order to meet the challenge of educating the gifted student.

The District’s Gifted Education Program will allow for grade acceleration for students who demonstrate:

  • Advanced performance or potential for advanced performance; and
  • The social and emotional readiness for acceleration.

The acceleration opportunity will apply to subject acceleration and/or whole grade acceleration.

Review of Application Denial

Parents/guardians may request a review of the District’s determination that their student did not qualify to receive services through the District’s Gifted Education Program. The review process is as follows:

  • Review of the decision by their building principal;
  • Review by the central office administrator who is responsible for supervision of the Gifted Program;
  • A written submission to the Board of Education stating the parents’/guardians’ basis for an appeal.
  • The Board may deny the written submission or may meet with the parents/guardians at a Board meeting to consider the appeal. The Board’s decision is final.

While appeal is permitted for denial of entry into the Gifted Program, no such appeal is available for acceleration decisions.

The District and District employees are immune from liability from any and all acts or omissions relating to the decision that a child did not qualify to receive services through the District’s Gifted Education Program.

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