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Policy 6250 – Instruction for Students with Disabilities

(Regulation 6250)
(Adopted – May 19, 2010)

It is the policy of the District to provide a free appropriate public education to all public school students with disabilities. Students with disabilities are defined as those students who have one of the categorical disabilities as enumerated in the Missouri State Plan for Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and who are in need of special education services or who have a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities as defined by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The District will provide special education and/or other services to students with disabilities in accordance with applicable law, including the IDEA, and its amendments, Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973, §162.670-.995, RSMo., and Missouri’s State Plan for Part B of the IDEA. For appeal procedures and information as to where to obtain a copy of the District’s 504 Procedural Safeguards regarding identification, evaluation or educational placement of a student under Section 504, refer to Regulation 2110 – Equal Education Opportunity.

To obtain a copy of the District’s IDEA procedural safeguards, including appeal procedures, please contact Director of Special Services at Scott City Schools.

When providing print materials to students with visual impairments, the District will adhere to the National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standards (NIMAS) or will provide such print materials in timely fashion via high quality accessible materials.

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