Regulation 6320 – Internet Usage
Personal Responsibility
Access to electronic research requires students employees to maintain consistently high
levels of personal responsibility. The existing rules found in the District’s Behavioral
Expectations policy (Board Policy/Regulation 2610) as well as employee handbooks clearly
apply to students and employees conducting electronic research or communication.
One fundamental need for acceptable student and employee use of District electronic resources is
respect for, and protection of, password/account code security, as well as restricted databases
files, and information banks. Personal passwords/account codes may be created to protect
students and employees utilizing electronic resources to conduct research or complete work.
These passwords/account codes shall not be shared with others; nor shall students or employees
use another party’s password except in the authorized maintenance and monitoring of the
network. The maintenance of strict control of passwords/account codes protects employees and
students from wrongful accusation of misuse of electronic resources or violation of District
policy, state or federal law. Students or employees who misuse electronic resources or who
violate laws will be disciplined at a level appropriate to the seriousness of the misuse.
Acceptable Use
The use of the District technology and electronic resources is a privilege, which may be revoked
at any time. Staff and students are only allowed to conduct electronic network-based activities
which are classroom or workplace related. Behaviors which shall result in revocation of access
shall include, but will not be limited to: damage to or theft of system hardware or software;
alteration of system hardware or software; placement of unlawful information, computer viruses
or harmful programs on, or through the computer system; entry into restricted information on
systems or network files in violation of password/account code restrictions; violation of other
users’ rights to privacy; unauthorized disclosure, use or dissemination of personal infom1ation
regarding minors; using another person’s name/password/account to send or receive messages on
the network; sending or receiving personal messages on the network; and use of the network for
personal gain, commercial purposes, or to engage in political activity.
Students and employees may not claim personal copyright privileges over files, data or materials
developed in the scope of their employment, nor may students or employees use copyrighted
materials without the permission of the copyright holder. The Internet allows access to a wide
variety of media. Even though it is possible to download most of these materials, students and
staff shall not create or maintain archival copies of these materials unless the source indicates
that the materials are in the public domain.
Access to electronic mail (E-mail) is a privilege and designed to assist students and employees in
the acquisition of knowledge and in efficiently communicating with others. The District E-mail
system is designed solely for educational and work related purposes. E-mail files are subject to
review by District school personnel. Chain letters, “chat rooms” or Multiple User
Dimensions (MUDs) are not allowed, with the exception of those bulletin boards or “chat”
groups that are created by teachers for specific instructional purposes or employees for specific
work related communication.
Students or employees who engage in “hacking” are subject to loss of privileges and District
discipline, as well as the enforcement of any District policy, state aid/or federal laws that may
have been violated. Hacking may be described as the unauthorized review, duplication,
dissemination, removal, damage, or alteration of files, passwords, computer systems, or
programs, or other property of the District, a business, or any other governmental agency
obtained through unauthorized means.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, students and employees are not permitted to obtain,
download, view or otherwise gain access to “inappropriate matter” which includes materials that
may be deemed inappropriate to minors, unlawful, abusive, obscene, pornographic, descriptive
of destructive devices, or otherwise objectionable under current District policy or legal
definitions. Similarly, the use of any District computer to access sites which allow the user to
conceal their objective of accessing inappropriate material is not permitted.
The District and school administration reserve the right to remove files, limit or deny access, and
refer staff or students violating the Board policy to appropriate authorities or for other
disciplinary action.
Internet Access
In compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (“CIPA”), 47 U.S.C. § 254, the
District uses technological devices designed to filter and block the use of any District computer
with Internet access to retrieve or transmit any visual depictions that are obscene, child
pornography, or “harmful to minors” as defined by CIPA and material which is otherwise
inappropriate for District students.
Due to the dynamic nature the Internet, sometimes Internet websites and web material that do
not fall into these categories are blocked by the filter. In the event that a District student or
employee feels that a website or web content has been improperly blocked by the District’s filter
and this website or web content is appropriate for access by District students, the process
described below should be followed:
- Follow the process prompted by the District’s filtering software (or to remain anonymous, log in under log name: 123anonymous) and submit an electronic request for access to a website, or:
- Submit a request, whether anonymous or otherwise, to the District’s Superintendent/the
Superintendent’s designee. - Requests for access shall be granted or denied within three days. If a request was
submitted anonymously, persons should either attempt to access the website requested
after three days or log back in at 123anonymous to see the status of the request. - Appeal of the decision to grant or deny access to a website may be made in writing to the
Board of Education. Persons who wish to remain anonymous may mail an anonymous
request for review to the Board of Education at the School District’s Central Office,
stating the website that they would like to access and providing any additional detail
person wishes to disclose. - In case of an appeal, the Board of Education will review the contested material and make
a determination. - Material subject to the complaint will not be unblocked pending this review process.
In the event that a District student or employee feels that a website or web content that is
available to District students through District Internet access is obscene, child pornography, or
“harmful to minors” as defined by CIPA or material which is otherwise inappropriate for District
students, the process described set forth in Regulation 6241 should be followed.
Adult users of a District computer with Internet access may request that the “technology
protection measures” be temporarily disabled by the chief building administrator of the building
in which the computer is located for lawful purposes not otherwise inconsistent with this Policy.
The use of District technology and electronic resources is a privilege, not a right, and
inappropriate use will result in the cancellation of those privileges. All staff members and
students who receive a password/account code will participate in an orientation or training
course regarding proper behavior and use of the network. The password/account code may be
suspended or closed upon the finding of user misuse of the technology system or its resources.
Network Etiquette and Privacy
Students and employees are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of electronic
network etiquette. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
- System users are expected to be polite. They may not send abusive, insulting, harassing, or threatening messages to others.
- System users are expected to use appropriate language; language that uses vulgarities or
obscenities, libels others, or uses other inappropriate references is prohibited. - System users may not reveal their personal addresses, their telephone numbers or the
addresses or telephone numbers of students, employees, or other individuals during
mail transmissions. - System users may not use the District’s electronic network in such a manner that ·would
damage, disrupt, or prohibit the use of the network by other users. - System users should assume that all communications and information is public when
transmitted via the network and may be viewed by other users. The system
adn1inistrators may access and read E-mail on a random basis. - Use of the District’s electronic network for unlawful purposes will not be tolerated and is
While the District is providing access to electronic resources, it makes no warranties, whether
expressed or implied, for these services. The District may not be held responsible for any
damages including loss of data as a result of delays, non-delivery or service intem1ptions caused
by the information system or the user’s errors or omissions. The use or distribution of any
information that is obtained through the information system is at the user’s own risk. The
District specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy of information obtained through
Internet services.
The Board recognizes that security on the District’s electronic network is an extremely high
priority. Security poses challenges for collective and individual users. Any intrusion into secure
areas by those not permitted such privileges creates a risk for all users of the information system.
The account codes/passwords provided to each user are intended for the exclusive use of that
person. Any problems, which arise from the user sharing his/her account code/password, are the
responsibility of the account holder. Any misuse may result in the suspension or revocation of
account privileges. The use of an account by someone other than the registered holder will be
grounds for loss of access privileges to the information system.
Users are required to report immediately any abnormality in the system as soon as they observe
it. Abnormalities should be reported to the classroom teacher or system administrator.
The District shall use filtering, blocking or other technology to protect students and staff from
accessing internet sites that contain visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography or
harmful to minors. The District shall comply with the applicable provisions of the Children’s
Internet Protection Act (CIPA), and the Neighborhood Internet Protection Act (NCIPA).
Vandalism of the Electronic Network or Technology System
Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to alter, harm, or destroy equipment or data of
another user, the District information service, or the other networks that are connected to the
Internet. This includes, but is not limited to the uploading or the creation of computer viruses,
the alteration of data, or the theft of restricted inforn1ation. Any vandalism of the District
electronic network or technology system will result in the immediate loss of computer service,
disciplinary action and, if approp1iate, referral to law enforcement officials.
The consequences for violating the District’s Acceptable Use Policy include, but are not limited
to, one or more of the following:
- Suspension of District Network privileges;
- Revocation of Network privileges;
- Suspension of Internet access;
- Revocation of internet access;
- Suspension of computer access;
- Revocation of computer access;
- School suspension;
- Expulsion; or
- Employee disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.