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- Regulation 1110 - Religious Expression
- Regulation 1210 - School Year and School Day
- Regulation 1300 - Prohibition Against Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation
- Regulation 1301 - Prohibition Against Sexual Harassment and Retaliation under Title IX
- Regulation 1405 - Parent/Family Involvement in Education
- Regulation 1420 - Community Use of School Facilities
- Regulation 1431 - Code of Conduct - Adults
- Regulation 1440 - Research Requests
- Regulation 1450 - Public Access to District Documents
- Regulation 1460 - Community Involvement in Decision Making
- Regulation 1520 - School District Annual Report
- Regulation 1620 - Private, State and Federal Funding
- Regulation 1621 - Title I
- Regulation 1720 - Superintendent of Schools
- Regulation 2110 - Equal Education Opportunity/§504 Procedural Safeguards
- Regulation 2170 - Distribution of Noncurricular Publications by Students
- Regulation 2200 - Student Records Requests
- Regulation 2230 - Admission of Non-Tuition Students
- Regulation 2240 - Admission and Tuition - Non-Resident Students
- Regulation 2250 - Admission of Exchange Students
- Regulation 2260 - Homeless Students
- Regulation 2270 - Migrant Students
- Regulation 2310 - Student Attendance
- Regulation 2320 - Part-time Attendance
- Regulation 2330 - Student Early Dismissal Procedures
- Regulation 2400 - Student Educational Records
- Regulation 2410 - Health Information Records
- Regulation 2520 - Promotion and Retention
- Regulation 2525 - Graduation Requirements
- Regulation 2610 - Behavioral Expectations
- Regulation 2620 - Firearms and Weapons in School
- Regulation 2653 - Student Participation in Secret Organizations and Gangs
- Regulation 2660 - Detention
- Regulation 2662 - Suspension
- Regulation 2663 - Expulsion
- Regulation 2664 - Enrollment or Return Following Suspension and/or Expulsion
- Regulation 2671 - Student Discipline Hearings
- Regulation 2672 - Discipline of Students with Disabilities
- Regulation 2673 - Reporting of Violent Behavior
- Regulation 2710 - Reporting Student Abuse
- Regulation 2740 - Student Safety
- Regulation 2750 - Wellness
- Regulation 2760 - Students in Foster Care
- Regulation 2765 - Transfer of Care and Custody
- Regulation 2785 - Student Suicide Awareness
- Regulation 2850 - Inoculations of Students
- Regulation 2860 - Students with Communicable Diseases
- Regulation 2870 - Administering Medicines to Students
- Regulation 2870-SC - Guidelines For Administering Medication To Students
- Regulation 2875 - Student Allergy Prevention and Response
- Regulation 2876 - Epilepsy/Seizure Disorder
- Regulation 2910 - Student Publications
- Regulation 2920 - Interscholastic Activities and Athletics
- Regulation 2920-SC - Student Eligibility Requirements
- Regulation 2921 - Participation by Non-Traditional Students
- Regulation 2940 - Student Group Use of School Facilities
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- Regulation 3100 - Financial Management
- Regulation 3110 - Preparation of Budget
- Regulation 3140 - Banking Services
- Regulation 3155 - Payments from Federal Awards/Cash Management
- Regulation 3160 - Investment of District Funds
- Regulation 3165 - Procurement Standards - Federal Contracts
- Regulation 3166 - Federal Awards - Allowable Costs
- Regulation 3230 - Expenditures for Certificated Staff
- Regulation 3320 - Tax Rate Hearing
- Regulation 3330 - Bonded Indebtedness
- Regulation 3380 - Sale/Lease of Real Property
- Regulation 3440 - Travel and Reimbursement
- Regulation 3450 - Sales Tax
- Regulation 3480 - Bond Proceeds Reporting
- Regulation 4120 - Employment Procedures
- Regulation 4120-SC - Internal Applications For Professional And Support Staff Positions
- Regulation 4130 - Certificated Staff Contracts
- Regulation 4220 - Certificated Staff Duties Schedules and Work Hours
- Regulation 4221 - Support Staff Duties, Schedules and Working Hours
- Regulation 4320 - Personnel Leave
- Regulation 4320-SC - Sick Leave Pool
- Regulation 4321 - Family and Medical Leave
- Regulation 4322 - Domestic/Sexual Violence Victim Leave
- Regulation 4411 - Professional Development Program
- Regulation 4420 - Conferences and Travel
- Regulation 4440 - Mentoring
- Regulation 4515 - Career Ladders
- Regulation 4540 - Group Insurance Benefits
- Regulation 4730 - Nonrenewal/Termination: Probationary Teacher
- Regulation 4731 - Termination of Contract: Permanent Teacher
- Regulation 4732 - Termination of Employment: Administrators
- Regulation 4740 - Reduction In Force: Certificated Staff
- Regulation 4741 - Reduction in Force: Support Staff
- Regulation 4820 - Employees with Communicable Diseases
- Regulation 4830 - Board/Staff Communications
- Regulation 4840 - Conflict of Interest
- Regulation 4850 - Staff Dispute Resolution (Grievance Procedure)
- Regulation 4871 - Driver Drug Testing
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- Regulation 5110 - Building and Grounds Maintenance and Inspection
- Regulation 5130 - Energy Conservation Measures
- Regulation 5210 - Hazardous Materials
- Regulation 5230 - Accident Reporting
- Regulation 5240 - Weather, Earthquake and Fire Emergencies
- Regulation 5410 - Inventory Requirements
- Regulation 5540 - Food Safety
- Regulation 5620 - Student Transportation Services
- Regulation 5660 - Field Trips
- Regulation 5661 - Field Trip Transportation in Private Vehicles/Common Carriers
- Regulation 5710 - Data Governance
- Regulation 6145 - Service Animals in Schools
- Regulation 6190 - Virtual Education – Less than Full-Time Equivalent
- Regulation 6191 - Virtual Education – Full-Time Equivalent
- Regulation 6215 - Reading Success
- Regulation 6230 - Textbook Selection and Adoption
- Regulation 6231 - Textbook Usage - Students
- Regulation 6241 - Challenged Materials
- Regulation 6250 - Instruction for Students with Disabilities
- Regulation 6251 - Blind Students Independence, Training and Education
- Regulation 6255 - Independent Educational Evaluation Procedures for Students with Disabilities Under the IDEA
- Regulation 6270 - Instruction for At-Risk Students
- Regulation 6275 - Homebound Instruction for Non-Disabled Students
- Regulation 6310 - School Libraries
- Regulation 6320 - Internet Usage
- Regulation 6531 - Records Retention/Destruction