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Regulation 4120-SC – Internal Applications For Professional And Support Staff Positions

(Policy 4120)
(Regulation 4120)
(Adopted – )

The selection of personnel to fill open positions will be based on the needs of the district. The board of education may, upon the recommendation of the superintendent and building principals, elect and appoint current professional and support staff personnel to other positions within the school district if the appointment is deemed to best suit the needs of the district.

The Board of Education with the recommendation of the administration will determine if personnel will be better utilized in different positions. Assignments to positions will be made in accordance to the needs of the district. If the administration does not have a recommendation on a current staff member for a position, the position will be opened for both internal (current employees) and external (non-employees) applicants. Recruitment procedures will not overlook the talents and potential of individuals already employed by the school district. Applicants for a position will be judged in accordance to all federal and state hiring practices.

Internal applicants will be considered in accordance to their qualifications and alignment to the specific needs of the district in relationship to the open position. Positions cannot be changed or created for a specific internal applicant which will increase the expenditures of the district unless the increase is deemed by the board of education and administration to be a necessary expenditure. Internal and external applicants will be judged on whom best fills the qualifications for a position. If more than one internal applicant makes application for a position with the qualifications, abilities, and alignment with school needs judged to be equal by the administration, the faculty or staff member with the most seniority shall be recommended for the position provided an external applicants is not considered the best applicant.

Openings for positions will be posted on the bulletin board by the superintendent’s office when they are given to placement offices and advertised in the newspaper. The principal’s offices will also receive the notice to be placed on their announcements if school is in session. Internal applicants will have two weeks from the time of posting to complete an internal application and give it to the appropriate administrator.

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