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Regulation 4730 – Nonrenewal/Termination: Probationary Teacher

(Policy 4730)
(Adopted – October 2004)

Pursuant to section 168.126.2, RSMo. (Supp. 1992), the Board of Education may choose to non-renew a probationary teacher’s contract for the coming school year or may choose to terminate a probationary teacher’s employment during the term of a contract in accordance with the following procedures:

  1. On or before the 15th day of April in each school year, the Board will notify in writing each probationary teacher whose contract will be nonrenewed for the next school year.
  2. A probationary teacher is not entitled to a warning, a probationary period, notice of charges, nor a hearing prior to the Board’s decision to nonrenew the contract of a probationary teacher.
  3. A probationary teacher whose contract is nonrenewed may request a concise statement of the reasons for the Board’s decision.
  4. The District will issue a notice to the teacher if the reason for nonrenewal is due to a decrease in pupil enrollment, District reorganization or the financial condition of the District.
Termination of Employment During the Term of a Contract
  1. If, in the opinion of the Board of Education, a probationary teacher is performing his/her professional duties in an incompetent or insubordinate manner, the Board/Superintendent will provide the teacher with a written statement setting out the deficiencies in the probationary teacher’s performance and will provide the teacher with a ninety- (90) day probationary period within which to resolve the deficiencies.
  2. If improvement, satisfactory to the Board, has not been made during the ninety- (90) day probationary period, the Board may terminate the employment of a probationary teacher. Prior to consideration of termination, the Board/Superintendent will provide the probationary teacher with a written Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing. Upon request, the Board will conduct a due process hearing to consider termination.
  3. The Board may also terminate a probationary teacher’s contract during the term of a contract for statutory causes as listed in Policy 4730.
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