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Policy 4540 – Group Insurance Benefits

The Board of Education directs that medical group insurance coverage for staff members will be
provided. The Superintendent/designee will solicit proposals and make recommendations to the
Board of Education for approval of the insurance provider.

Employees shall be given information regarding COBRA benefits at the times of employment
and separation.

The contract for medical insurance will be submitted for competitive bidding at least once every
three (3) years.

For purposes of this policy competitive bidding means public notice of the request for medical
insurance bids and the provision of information about district participants, claims history, and the
details of the District’s existing health insurance policy and proposed modifications.

Development or Physical Disabilities

The District’s medical group insurance for staff members, after January 1, 2020, will provide
coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders and for the diagnosis and
treatment of developmental or physical disabilities to the extent that such diagnosis and
treatment is not already covered by the District’s health plan.

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