Policy 4560 – Teacher Post-Retirement Option
Any retired District employee in a position which requires teacher certification may be employed
in a position that does not normally require teacher certification (PEERS Qualified). However,
such person may only earn up to 60% of the minimum teacher’s salary, currently $25,000.00, for
a maximum salary of $15,000.00 without a discontinuation of the employee’s PSRS retirement
allowance. Such person will not contribute to PEERS or PSRS retirement systems, nor shall
they acquire membership in the PEERS retirement system. In such instance, the District will pay
its contribution into the PEERS system.
If such person is paid in excess of $15,000.00 the employee will not be eligible to receive their
retirement allowance for months paid in excess of the cap and will be required to pay into the
PEERS retirement system for such period of time.