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Policy 2220 – Compulsory Attendance Ages

The Board of Education shall abide by the compulsory attendance laws of the state by requiring
District resident students berween the ages of seven and either seventeen years or successful
completion of sixteen credits toward high school graduation, to attend school full time, with the
exception of those students who may be excused from full-time attendance by the
Superintendent. Individual petitions for any deviation from full-time attendance shall be
considered by the Superintendent on the merits of the individual student’s application and in
compliance with state law and regulations. For purposes of this Policy, a completed credit
toward high school graduation is defined as one hundred hours of instruction or more in a course.

Any student age seventeen years or older who drops out of school for any reason other than to
attend another school, college or university, or to enlist in the armed services, shall be reported to
the state literacy hotline office by the School District.

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