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Policy 2400 – Student Educational Records

A cumulative educational record shall be maintained for each student from his/her entrance into
school through the last date of attendance or through graduation, whichever occurs first.

Each student’s educational record will include information required by state and federal statutes,
regulations or agencies and shall include other information considered necessary by school

The District will comply with the mandates of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA) and the Safe Schools Act regarding confidentiality of student records and disclosure of
personally identifiable information.

The parents/guardians of students who are attending or have attended the District’s schools have
the right to inspect and review the educational records of their students and to request
amendment of their students’ educational records. The District has adopted procedures
(Regulation 2400) for the granting of parental requests for access to the educational records of
their students within a reasonable period of time, but in no case more than forty-five (45) days
after the request is made.

All information contained in a student’s educational record, except information designated as
directory information by the District, shall be confidential and shall be directly accessible only to
school officials who demonstrate a legitimate educational interest in the student’s records and to
parents/guardians or eligible students. A student’s special education record is deemed a
permanent record and shall be maintained as part of a student’s cumulative scholastic record.
This provision is applicable to an Individualized Education Program (IEP), an Individualized
Family Service Plan (IFSP) and a 504 Plan. The District will not destroy a student’s most recent
special education record.

Upon request by military recruiters or an institution of higher learning, the District will provide
students’ names, addresses and telephone listings. Parents will be notified annually of their right
to individually request that such information not be released without prior parental consent.
Military recruiters will be provided the same access to students as is given to institutions of
higher learning.

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