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Policy 2642-SC – Drug Testing

Suspicion-Based Drug Testing

Suspicion-based drug testing may only be used when there is reasonable suspicion that the
student is under the influence of or has recently consumed alcohol or any drug prohibited by
district policy. Students testing positive will be disciplined in accordance with district’s
discipline policy and may also be excluded from extracurricular activities as determined by the
district. A student who refuses to submit to testing may still be disciplined under the district’s
discipline code for being under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Disclosure of Other Medications

Upon conformation of a positive specimen, the parents/guardians of the student will be asked to
bring any prescription medications the student is currently taking to a meeting with the
designated school official. The official will then verify with either the school nurse or the test
administrator ( or the administrator’s company representative) as to the validity of medication
producing the positive result. If the medication produces a legitimate medical reason for the
presence of the drug, the results will be deemed a negative. If there is not a legitimate or
acceptable medical explanation, the positive result will remain. Proof of medication can be
given through the presentation of a prescription bottle or through doctor verification.

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